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Evelyne has a unique way of giving a class. It is not only that you never know what you are going to get, it is that there are sincere deep thoughts going on about things. There is a creativity that is not easily found in this world today. I feel a sense of abundance, from when I walk in the room. I feel a sense that we will go through things we have not done before. This is not a yoga class. It is a unique moment in life.

 Legacy Practitioner  |  December, 2021

Evelyne's classes are both physically challenging and deeply spiritual. No two classes are the same and she is very precise in explaining proper alignment. She is an inspiration and a treasure

Hatha Practitioner  |  January 06, 2022

Being guided by Evelyne helps to find that safe place to get connected and grounded. Evelyne creates an atmosphere of universal practice - we are one - and helps to promote more authentic practice. To become connected in class enables me to see we are all on the same journey, just different stories. 
I highly recommend Evelyne as a yoga teacher and spiritual guide to shepherd anyone wanting to expand and grow their own practice as they journey through this life.

Carol   |  December, 2021

Connect and ground

with a world-class practice.

Online and in-person yoga and healing services so you can

Connect and ground with creative expert instruction in Hatha, Nidra and Kundalini.

Join Evelyne live in one of her immersive workshops to explore deeper aspects of your practice.

Dive in deep with guided rest, sound and silent meditation classes and private sessions.

Relax and let go with expert in-person Thai Yoga Bodywork packages.

Create major life changes, with guidance for individual yoga practitioners, teachers.or studio owners.

Revitalize your space. Create an environment conducive of peace and prosperity.

Be here to do less
And Accomplish More.

Find depth, levity, variety and peace in your practice

Step into a space you no longer need to seek.

The typical practice grounds you in the now. A great practice helps you realize how to ground into something timeless.

Meet Evelyne

Contrary to common belief, I wasn't always the person I am today. I was quite the opposite. I know what it's like, being unsure of how to deal with daily pressures and not knowing where to turn for solutions.


These physical and spiritual practices, the ones I have learned for decades as a student, teacher and studio owner, have led me from medication to mediTation - sadness to joy of being - from restless wandering to being grounded and secure.


Over time I went from careless to caring - agitated to clear, calm and discerning, and irritable to tolerant. I went from feeling wounded and resistant to loving to embrace. Over time I came to know who I really am and learned to embrace my uniqueness.

And I have helped thousands along the way.


This community of yogic teachings and services are here for you to develop further into yourself. So you can feel connected, grounded  and OK with you as you are - a necessity in a super-distracting digital world.

Compassionate, creative and expert flows in Hatha, Nidra Meditation and Kundalini.

In-person and digital sessions in sound, generate relaxation with added UV treatments.

Expert Thai Yoga Massage and sessions for in-body wellbeing for those in person.


Balance for all levels.
Unlimited Access Included In

Compassionate, creative and expert flows in Hatha, Nidra Meditation and Kundalini.


Vibrations for change.

Compassionate, creative and expert flows in Hatha, Nidra Meditation and Kundalini.


Dive deeper with group work.

Available for teachers or individual practitioners ready to develop further on their path - one-on-one mentorships are now available for working directly with Evelyne. Learn more and apply.


One-on-One Guidance for your practice or teaching.

Our environments, both inside and out influence how we feel and how deep we feel we can go. Give yourself a space conducive for your journey to peace and prosperity within and without.

Space Design

Create a space to deepen meditation & peaceful living.


You deserve to be.
Unique. Aligned. Full.

Is it time for a yoga practice that is challenging, nurturing and exciting?

Navigate the adventure of a changed world. Inside and out.

Book your next class with Evelyne

Classes available online or in person, individually or in class packs.

More Guidance for a changing world.

As your guide to all things yoga, I will be here to help you along your process, online or in person. Before or after each class, I will be available to answer questions to make sure you get the most out of each practice.

Ask Me Anything Before & After Class

Class Packs Available 

Multiple Teachers 5 Class Pack


(Only $95)

Multiple Teachers 10 Class Pack


(Only $170)

Evelyne's classes ONLY 10 Class Pack


(Only $150)

Or Drop-In For $20
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