The Yoga Of Sleep
Yoga Nidra guided sleep base meditation, with Evelyne Serais.
Service Description
Yoga Nidra ( IAM, Integrative Amrit Method) is an ancient sleep-based meditation technique that has the power to take you to the deepest levels of relaxation, where your whole body and being is permeated by peace of mind and profound stillness. This meditation technique enables you to consciously enter the twilight zone between waking and sleeping, allowing you to rest more and more in the space beyond the busy mind, less and less in the business of the mind. This unlocks the integrative powers of the subconscious, as well as our higher centers of consciousness, helping in erasing our most tenacious self destructive habits and behaviors. Yoga Nidra Meditation has been known to relieve stress and burnout, improve sleep quality, release anxiety and depression, help release negative habits, recover from trauma, etc…. The Gongs , known for their healing properties, will continue to expand your experience of surrender. By allowing yourself to “breath in” the Gong’s resonance, frequency and vibration your mind will eventually surrender and drop into a deep state of relaxed meditative awareness. No experience necessary, just an open mind and a willingness to let go for the time of the practice.